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My campaign believes that the United States should exercise leadership in Gaza to prevent the ethnic cleansing and genocide of innocent civilians in Gaza.  I believe we should lead the way toward sustained peace and recognition of the Palestinian people. 

 Affordable Housing: 

We are committed to getting to the roots of the issue, and that centers around Reform.  I will work to make big shifts in zoning laws to allow for the construction of multifamily affordable housing to be built within our communities.  I will also lobby place a cap on corporate purchases of single family homes. Housing should only be a wealth building platform for the middle class and not wealthy business interests. I will fight to alleviate the housing shortage by fighting the big corporate interests attempting to buy our American Dream for cheap and rent it back to us for their profits. 

Rural Access to Healthcare: 

This campaign is about giving the American People value for their tax dollars. I will lobby aggressively in Congress to bring Federal funds back to our State to provide economically and resource disenfranchised areas with community programs and better healthcare. No one should be wiped out by a health crisis.  I will go to Washington and Carson City to FIGHT for the People's right to live. 

Bringing Federal Aid and Solutions to the Water Crisis: 

Nevadans face an unprecedented water crisis at Lake Meade and on the Colorado River.  We need Federal funds and federal intervention to ensure that our children will have a place to call home in Southern Nevada.  I will go to Carson City and to Washington and lobby for solutions, and resources to solve this unprecedented problem for the people of our Great State. I will make as much noise and I need to to ensure that we bring attention to this critical water crisis. 

Unions! Unions! Unions! 

I will fight hard for our Union brothers and sisters to ensure that they are getting the most out of their collective bargaining. I WILL MARCH THE PICKET LINES! More than ever, we need to stand and fight for the rights of workers.  It is the workers of this great economy that have built this nation, and they should share in the record breaking profits.  I will NOT pay the Unions lip service to gain their endorsement and then take money from HUGE Private equity firms that buy their homes and jack up the rents.  I will bring national attention to this issue, and lift your voices to the highest levels of government. 

Eradicating Campaign Finance Corruption: 

We are leading a grassroots campaign funded by YOU. Unlike my opponent, I will not take big corporate PAC money from Private Equity Firms that buy up housing in economically distressed markets and jack up our rents. We will win this campaign with the funds provided by YOU. THIS SEAT IS NOT FOR SALE, BECAUSE ITS OWNED BY THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. I cannot be bought nor sold. I will work for the people of this district and not corporate interest. Check our to see where Congressman Horsford gets his money from. Its filthy money from companies that own Casino assets and swaths of single family homes. 

Committee to Elect Levy Shultz
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